Clamping Down on Cookies and What it Means for Marketers

In 2021, a cookie is so much more than a tasty treat enjoyed with a hot drink. But the digital world is changing, with pending updates set to shake up how cookies are tracked. We take a look into cookies, how they work in Marketing, and what the new updates mean for us. What are […]
The first Mask free Musical Festival is Here

On Sunday 2nd May, Festival Republic will be hosting an outdoor concert at Liverpool’s Sefton Park that will be attended by 5,000 people. Once they are through the gates, the crowd will not be required to wear face coverings or socially distance. So basically, it sounds like a normal festival…where you can dance […]
Time to start paying for Clubhouse?

This week, Clubhouse users have received a message informing them of the latest changes to the app. But what does it all mean? What is Clubhouse? Clubhouse lets you drop into different chat rooms and listen to conversations. It’s a bit like dropping into your favourite podcast or radio show, but this time you can […]
Navigating Life After Lockdown

If the government’s roadmap out of lockdown goes to plan, all restrictions could be eased by the 21st June. Whilst some of us may be fantasising about being in a crowded pub, squished up to our friends whilst we wait for a drink at the bar, others may be feeling a little apprehensive about coming […]
Making the most of the Rule of Six

Boris’ roadmap out of lockdown means that as of the 29th of March we are finally able to meet outside in groups of six or with one other household, whilst still practising social distancing of course. That will take us one step closer to the 21st of June, where hopefully all restrictions will be finally […]