“Another nail in the coffin for the Hospitality Industry”

Fears are rising within the hospitality sector amongst speculation that pubs, bars, and restaurants may have to remain closed through much of the spring. And when they do finally open, the ‘rule of six’ and socially distancing restrictions will all be very much still in place.

There has been talk that restrictions won’t be eased until all over 50s have had their vaccination, which is expected to be around August time. And this is only for England, who seem to be ahead in terms of vaccination numbers at the moment, compared to other UK regions.

“This would be another nail in the coffin for the hospitality industry. For nearly a whole year, the entire UK hospitality industry has been decimated by rules and regulations. It will mean a graveyard for the hospitality industry once this pandemic is over unless change happens now. The Government needs to support with much more funding, and much more targeted funding to people that really need the help right now.”  

“Posh Cockney has several clients that are going through a lot of pain right now. They have had a year of turmoil and we have helped them through such times. But with the re-opening dates being pushed further and further back, we run the real risk of losing our beloved hospitality industry. “

– Liam Norval, CEO Posh Cockney.

Businesses are frustrated. They have repeatedly been forced to close, staff have been let go, bank balances have been run dry. All without clear guild lines or timelines for when these businesses can reopen.

The UK needs a summer full of Hospitality and Tourism to help the economy fight back. The continuous extension to restrictions is making that increasingly unlikely.



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