Liam chats with Mesh Kumar on his show Big Ideas with Mesh!

As always, this interview is packed full of hospitality news, entrepreneurial tips, Posh Cockney updates and of course, a little bit of football talk.

Liam talks Mesh through his journey from DJ and club promoter, through to running events and club nights, becoming marketing director at Café de Paris, where he worked for 10 years and then spending 8 months as director at Proud Embankment.

Liam explains how he then made the jump into running his own business and how Posh Cockney was created, even giving away his secrets as to where the memorable name was born.

Growing up as a professional football player, being captain for Wales U21 as well as at Leicester and West Ham, hard work and leadership is something that has always been embedded in Liam. He discusses how these have led him to become a successful entrepreneur.

Liam looks the importance of adapting to the ever-changing circumstances we find ourselves in at the moment. Whilst his company were once heavily events based, the team have quickly turned their focus to their PR and Marketing divisions, as well as launching Posh Cockney Productions – offering clients the ability to create high quality images and videos, and creating and managing their YouTube platforms for them.

Liam and Mesh chat about the importance of going out and supporting their local pubs, bars, and restaurants. Is the way we dine about to change? How can the general public be incentivised to go out and stay out?

Now more than ever, it is incredibly important to make yourself indispensable to your employer. Train yourself in other skills, what else can you do within the hospitality industry that will have a positive benefit on the company?

Finally, it’s time to look at Liam’s latest projects. The Hospitality Titans are an organisation, consisting of some of the most influential people in the hospitality industry. Their aim is to inspire and invest in a new generation, creating the blueprint for the future of hospitality. As well as creating The Titans, London after Lockdown and building up Posh Cockney’s reputation as one of the best hospitality consultancy agencies in London, Liam and his team have been opening a brand new restaurant (yep, during a pandemic!). The Bosporus UK serves delicious Turkish cuisine, right in the heart of London’s Leicester Square.

Head over to Big Ideas with Mesh! now, to hear the full interview for yourself!



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