Navigating Life After Lockdown

If the government’s roadmap out of lockdown goes to plan, all restrictions could be eased by the 21st June. 

Whilst some of us may be fantasising about being in a crowded pub, squished up to our friends whilst we wait for a drink at the bar, others may be feeling a little apprehensive about coming out of lockdown, because well, it’s been a while.  

If you are a part of the latter group, you are not alone! With all the Instagram posts about what restaurants people are missing and the relentless TikToks of people’s outfit ideas of what to wear to a pub garden, it may feel like you are, but trust me, you’re not. 

From going in and out of national lockdowns, life has been unpredictable, and it has been a difficult year for us all. The idea of life going back to ‘normal’ is quite daunting when it is hard to even remember what that ‘normal’ is like. Throughout the pandemic, we have adapted and changed our routines to feel safer, and so, it is completely normal to feel worried, anxious or stressed about suddenly returning to old patterns of life.  

The team here at Posh Cockney have been chatting and have put together some steps you can take to make the transitional return back to life after lockdown a little less daunting, and a little more manageable. 


Go at your own pace 

Reactions to restrictions easing will vary from person to person. Some people will want to see everyone and do everything at 100 mph, whereas others may be more reluctant to return to socialising. It is important to be mindful and respectful of how other people are feeling. 

If you are feeling anxious, perhaps meet up with just one or two people at first to gently ease yourself back into social settings. One thing we have learnt throughout this year is that rushing doesn’t solve anything, take your time and go at your own pace.

Friends in Garden

Make some plans! 

If you decide to take your time in returning back to social settings, making plans is a great way to do it in an organised and achievable way. 

Perhaps it’s going over to a friend’s house or going to a restaurant; jot down what you want to do and focus on achieving one thing at a time to prevent yourself getting overwhelmed. 

Be flexible

Now, I know I said to make plans, but I think lockdown has made us realise how quickly plans can be disrupted and things can change overnight. 

Perhaps limit how far into the future you plan (e.g., look at what’s happening each week as opposed to months in advance). This will not only limit the chances of disappointment if things do get cancelled, but it will enable you to feel a greater sense of control over the present. 

In with the new…

From going on a daily walk to setting aside an hour a day to read, many of us have created new lockdown habits. And just because things will be returning back to normal, it doesn’t mean that they have to be left behind! 

Lockdown has highlighted the importance of self-care and finding some ‘me-time’ amid a busy day. Make sure you find the time to keep doing the things that make you happy, no one else will!

Out with the old

But perhaps you’ve also picked up some bad lockdown habits… Maybe you’re waking up at noon every day because well, you don’t need to commute to work, or maybe you’ve fallen victim to ordering Deliveroo every night. Well, coming out of lockdown is the perfect time to break these bad habits, reset, and start afresh. 

Finding a new routine and setting yourself goals will relieve stress and anxiety, keep you motivated and keep you focussed. 

Be present. 

The lead up to what people are describing as the Big Day of Freedom is exciting, but yes, it’s okay to admit that it makes you feel apprehensive. 

It took time to adjust to lockdown and it will take time to adjust coming out of it. So as the roadmap out of lockdown progresses, try implementing some of these tips into your life to make it a little easier. 

Take a deep breath, focus on the present, and take one step at a time.


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