Posh Cockney Productions has Landed

Posh Cockney Productions has landed. We are ready to create engaging content that will bring your business to life. Whether it’s podcasts, YouTube videos, photography or bespoke product videos, Posh Cockney Productions is here for you.

Ever wondered how you can connect with new consumers? Do you want to increase your reach? How does 100k viewers a month sound? We grew Posh Cockney TV from 0 viewers to 100,000 viewers in just six weeks. With our CEO Liam Norval and our highly skilled team by your side, we can grow your brand and get it to reach your target market, quickly and effectively.

YouTube has 2 Billion active users every, single month. If your business isn’t utilising that platform…why not!? Now is the perfect time to create quality, bespoke content, and allow it to grab consumer attention, increasing your sales.

Our success is a clear case study of what we can do for you and your business. Incredible content, high quality filming and editing, an engaging audience and your brand at the heart of it all – What would you do with 100,000 new people seeing your business every month?

If you want to know our secret and how you can elevate your brand in ways you may think are unimaginable, please get in touch today!


Emma Bolton | PR Assistant | emma@poshcockney.co.uk | poshcockney.co.uk


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