The final episode of London after Lockdown is here!

On this Kent Special Episode, Liam meets Marco from Pierluigi;s, Joe Courtney from Soul Town Festival, Alex from The Pearl and Leigh at Eatwell in Beckenham.

First stop is Pierluiggi’s, where Liam chats with Marco about how things have been for him since lockdown. This positive and refreshing interview is a great watch after a lot of negative hospitality news recently. Showing his initiative and creativity, Marco tells Liam the changes he has put into place, and how they have had a huge, positive impact on his business.

For some businesses that have been up and running for decades, it can be difficult for them to understand how social media and creative marketing can benefit their business. That certainly isn’t the case at Pierluigi, where Marco has learnt to use platforms like Instagram to help his business to keep on growing. Can fans of the restaurant expect to see a second branch opening soon? You’ll have to watch this week’s episode to find out.

Next we visit Joe Courtney at his new pub The Bulls Head. As well as owning two pubs, Joe is one of the brains behind Soul Town festival, which used its platform to help the NHS and others in the industry during Lockdown. That then developed into Door Step Sessions, which provided outdoor entertainment for anyone who was really struggling during lockdown. He explains the highs and lows over the last few months for him and how he hopes for things to build over the next year.


For location number three we head to The Pearl in Beckenham to speak to Alex and find out how he is adapting to post lockdown life. He explains to Liam how the local restaurants built a community to support each other and to get people in the area through the pandemic.

Finally, it’s time to head to Beckenham to speak to Leigh at Eatwell. “The after math of a nuclear Holocaust” is how Leigh describes post lockdown life at the start of the interview, but don’t worry, the chat takes a far more positive turn from there. Takings are up for the business compared to this time last year, perhaps local people are ready for that health kick and are stepping up to support their local businesses. He’s optimistic about the future and excited to see his brand grow.

For all of these interviews and a whole lot more, head over to Posh Cockney TV now! This will be the final episode in this series of London after Lockdown but it certainly isn’t the end of PCTV.

Emma Bolton | PR Assistant | |


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