Top 5 best books for business this World Book Day

Today marks the 25th anniversary of World Book Day. The day aims to “promote reading for pleasure” and encourages people of all ages to read more. Reading from a young age has been found to have a significant impact on future success. In adulthood, it’s just as important to keep reading to inspire new ideas and aid your development. 

So, whilst your little ones spend World Book Day at school dressed as their favourite characters, let’s take a look at some of the best business books out there, recommended by the Posh Cockney team.

The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone

The 10x Rule explains the principle of ‘massive action’. That’s the fourth degree of action, above the ordinary ‘action, retreat or normal action’ that most people operate on. The book details how to make the fourth degree a way of life, learning discipline and taking effective action. This is a great book for those starting a business as it will help you problem-solve in the early stages and build your business with ‘massive’ success in mind and comes recommended by our CEO, Liam Norval. 

Rebel Ideas by Matthew Syed

Rebel Ideas is a great book if you’re looking to start your own team or want to build better relationships with your existing team. Matthew Syed uses real life and exciting examples to make you rethink the way ideas are created. He examines how we form ideas not just within our working team but outside of work too. He also focuses on the power of building a cognitively diverse team to strengthen relationships as well as harnessing unique perspectives. This is a great read for those in business, but also for anyone looking for a different approach to the way we view the world. 

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Struggling to feel creative lately? Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic can help with that. In this book she reminds us that you don’t have to be a naturally creative person to be able to create. Creativity looks different for everybody, so it makes sense that you may need to look in a different place to find it. Big Magic will teach you how to come up with the best ideas, educate you on living creatively and provide a unique perspective on creativity and inspiration itself. 

How to Make it Happen by Maria Hatzistefanis 

Founder of Rodial and Nip & Fab beauty, Maria Hatzistefanis reveals everything she’s learned from building her business in the past 20 years. From her many successes to her many failures, Maria explores everything from setting goals to handling rejection. The best thing about this book is how easy it is to read. We often find books about business are filled with jargon and aren’t accessible to a wide range of readers. Maria’s writing is easy to digest and easy to learn from. We love that she doesn’t shy away from her failures, revealing that even the people behind big brands don’t always get it right. It’s an inspiring and motivating read for anyone looking to grow their business. 

Atomic Habits by James Clear

This book is perfect for anyone who struggles to form habits. These could be habits related to your personal life, or habits that you know will help progress your business if only you could stick to them. Likewise, if you have bad habits you’re struggling to change, James sets out a clear system to help tackle them. He draws on ideas from both biology and psychology to help you make good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible.

We hope these books will inspire you not only to read more, but learn more too. All five of these books are great for boosting creativity, generating ideas and thinking a bit more outside of the box.

What book will you be picking up this World Book Day? We’d love to hear your recommendations over on our social media channels!


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