Brand image: What is it and how can we reinforce it?

What is brand image?

In a very busy market, it can be hard for a brand to stand out from competitors. When a new company arrives in a market where there are already leaders such as Nike or Adidas, it can be complicated to build a notoriety. The solution is to reflect a quality brand image in order to differentiate and attract attention. 

Brand image, or brand identity, is the representation of a brand perceived by customers. It is very important for a company to remain consistent between the image they convey and the one perceived by the public. 

For a company, having a positive brand image is a must. It will increase the notoriety of the company and of course, it will increase sales. It is important to keep in mind that customers sometimes buy the brand before they even buy the product! This is called e-reputation, and it is decisive in the consumer’s buying journey. 

Brand image is crucial, because if it is perceived negatively by consumers, it will lead to a bad reputation of the brand, a loss of clients as well as a loss of sales. 

brand image

How can companies maintain and reinforce this?

Building brand image starts by having a precise graphic charter, a logo, a slogan, you name it. Whatever it is, these aspects should be given thorough thought as the brand identity must agree with the marketing and communication strategy. This visual identity must correspond to the image that the brand wants to convey. 

The visual elements chosen will allow consumers to recognize your brand, which is why you must remain consistent with them. But, keep in mind that brand image can evolve with time! According to the new missions of the company, or even in case of a name change, brand image can change too. 

To maintain a positive brand image, it is necessary, as a first step, to focus on customers; brand image needs to be consistent with the targeted customers in order to attract them. So, get to know your customers, such as through a survey. Brand identity will also be reinforced by using digital marketing tools such as ads or social media. 

If you have anything unique, or new, or original, be creative to set yourself apart from others! Exposing how your brand is different from the others will be your strength. 

Offering quality content will demonstrate your values and skills in order to convince consumers to choose your brand. Good content has a lot of chances to be shared by consumers on social media. This will generate a digital word-of-mouth for your company, which is a very powerful marketing tool nowadays to attract new clients!

To find out more about how you can reinforce your brand’s image, get in touch with Posh Cockney today.


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