Important Dates for your April Marketing Calendar (+ Content Ideas!)

Your April Marketing Calendar

With April on the horizon and the weather finally warming up for Spring, we’re all in high spirits at Posh Cockney. For us, the end of the month means finalising plans and ensuring that all our creative ideas are ready to go for the month ahead. 

One of our favourite ways to plan monthly content is by tapping into key dates that occur throughout the month. This helps to boost SEO and engagement for our clients, while also seamlessly exhibiting brand personality

Struggling to come up with marketing ideas for the next month? Maybe Posh Cockney can lend you a hand.

Without further ado, here are the dates you’ll want to keep in mind for your April marketing calendar, plus some content ideas to help get you started!

april marketing calendar

1st April – April Fool’s Day

This day is an absolute favourite of brands for content planning. You have free reign to get as wacky as you want (within reason, of course!). April Fool’s Day is all about making your audience laugh and doing the things they’ll least expect. 

Perhaps you can announce a new fake product or dish on social media – the stranger the better! The weirder it is, the more likely your audience is to engage and potentially even make it go viral. 

Or, why not actually sell this product for a limited time only – everyone loves a bit of novelty!

Whatever it is, you can’t really go too wrong on April Fool’s Day. Just make sure it happens before noon!

2nd April – International Pillow Fight Day

Bring pillows to the office and film a team pillow fight for your business’ social media platforms, showing the more human side of your brand. You could even create a fundraiser for a charity and try to break a record for the longest pillow fight. 

Does your business sell pillows? Take advantage of this day and promote an unmissable offer on your pillows. Better yet, create a campaign using pillow fights to demonstrate the durability of your pillows. This can also work for hotels.

5th April – National Caramel Day

Is your business a restaurant, café, coffee shop or any brand that uses caramel for a drink or dish? Create a special offer on your caramel-based goods and share on social media! You could even promote a limited edition drink or dish with caramel in for one day only.

Why not boost social media engagement with an Instagram Stories poll that asks your audience to vote on their favourite caramel-based drinks and desserts?

6th April – New Beer’s Eve

New Beer’s Eve marks the end of the US prohibition era in 1933, when alcoholic beverages were finally made legal again and Americans queued around blocks to get a taste of beer for the first time in 13 years.

Although it’s been almost 90 years and people can now drink beer any day they like, it doesn’t mean you won’t be able to get people queuing for beer again. Create an amazing offer on your beer menu, or offer free beer for customers who spend a certain amount on the rest of your menu. 

On social media, ask your followers to comment their favourite beer brands – this will boost your engagement while also giving you some menu inspiration! 

If you’re not a hospitality business, allow your staff members to crack open a cold one in the office and share on social media. 

7th April – World Health Day

World Health Day is a global health awareness day celebrated annually on 7th April to mark the founding of the World Health Organisation in 1948. 

If you’re an F&B business, share your company’s values of health and wellbeing on social media and promote your healthiest dishes. 

Or, encourage your team to join you on a sponsored walk for a health charity.

10th April – National Siblings Day

Why not promote a 2 for 1 offer on your products for siblings? If two customers in your shop or hospitality business can prove their siblings, allow them to celebrate National Siblings Day with a special offer. 

You could even ask them to share something sibling-related on social media with a branded hashtag to redeem a free drink or product. 

Or, ask your team to send in pictures of them with their siblings for you to share on social media.

13th April – National Make Lunch Count Day

National Make Lunch Count Day is all about encouraging ourselves to take a proper break from work and eating away from our desks at lunch time, whether that’s soaking up the sun on a bench outside or eating at a local café. 

F&B businesses can absolutely take advantage of this. Do you serve an express lunch menu perfect for workers taking their lunch break? Or can you launch one on the 13th for this reason?

Get the word out by reaching out to local businesses/offices and maybe even offering them an exclusive discount for all their lunch time needs. Connecting with hungry local workers on their lunch breaks is the best way to create loyal customers!

15th-18th April – Easter Weekend

Easter is a great holiday to tap into, especially for family-friendly businesses. Whether it’s an Easter egg hunt, egg painting activities or just a whole lot of chocolate, your business’ ability to entertain children is always going to be valuable to parents. 

But Easter isn’t always just for kids. Why not hide eggs around your shop or restaurant, and give freebies or prizes to the customers who find them all? Or can you serve desserts with Mini Eggs on top?

At the end of the day, you can never go wrong with fun Easter-themed decorations around your venue!

April marketing calendar

21st April – Get to Know your Customers Day

Your customers are extremely valuable to you, but if you don’t know their needs and desires well enough, they may not stick around for long. While on a daily basis, it’s not always easy to ask your customers who they are and what they want without it sounding like an interrogation, Get to Know your Customers Day gives you the perfect excuse to do this.

Why not ask your followers on social media to comment something about themselves and why they choose to engage with your brand? 

Or, ask them to share a Stories post using a specific hashtag, telling you all about themselves for a chance to win a prize. 

If all else fails or you miss Get to Know your Customers Day, there are other ways you can learn about your target audience. Find out more here.

22nd April – Earth Day

Earth Day is an annual event where we all come together to show support for environmental protection. As global warming increasingly becomes more of a pressing issue, it’s more important than ever to tell your eco-conscious audience what you’re doing as a business to look after the planet. 

Simply sharing your values and sustainability practices as a company on social media is a great way to start, showing your followers that they’re supporting the right business. To take it a step further, find a way to introduce new sustainability practices into your business, like more eco-friendly packaging – there’s always more that can be done!

Why not plant a tree or introduce more plants into your venue? Perhaps partner with a company like Ecologi and plant a tree for every order, like our client Propagrub. You could even create a new special dish or product to promote this.

23rd April – National Picnic Day

National Picnic Day comes at the perfect time – just as the weather’s (usually!) getting warmer. While the rise of picnics may seem like a negative thing for restaurant businesses, as many people will turn to homemade sandwiches and cakes to bring to the park, there are definitely ways you can insert your brand into this narrative.

Make your restaurant “picnic-able” by serving your dishes in takeaway form to be enjoyed in the sunshine. Better yet, create picnic packages for different sized groups and offer blankets and baskets with this. Why should your customers go to lengths to buy all of these elements separately for a higher price when your business is handing it to them altogether?

If you’re not an F&B business, create incredible offers on your picnic-related products, like baskets, blankets and outdoor games. Or, similarly, offer them in an amazing bundle offer for one day only. Just cross your fingers that the weather will cooperate!


Still need more content ideas for your April marketing calendar? Get in touch with Posh Cockney today.


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